Rental Guardian

Introduction on Rental Guardian

Rental Guardian, a US-based company, offers their clients a portfolio of insurance products to help them protect their business, their guests, their homeowners and their revenue. Within this portfolio it can be found products such as Damage Protection Coverages (several amounts being considered under this coverage), Travel Insurances, Cancel For Any Reason Insurance, and others.

More info here: 

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Products connected to Kigo

From the portfolio of Rental Guardian's products, the ones we are going to connect right now are the Damage Protection Coverages, for any amount the PM is willing to cover. This means that we we will be offering the following products within NCM:

  • Rental Damage Protection coverage for all amounts (RDP500, RDP1000, RDP1500, RDP3000, RDP5000)
  • Corporate Damage Protection coverage for all amounts (CDP500, CDP1000, CDP1500, CDP3000)

Notice that, on cases below, the product code is a merge of the initials of the product itself (RDP for Rental Damage Protection and CDP for Corporate Damage Protection) and the numbers representing the amount that is covered (500 USD, 1000 USD, etc).

All product codes starting with RDP and CDP will be integrated in Kigo, regardless the value covered.

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